Unless we have a palpable awareness of some unique purpose and some observable fulfillment in our lives, many of us assume we have wasted our days. But our lives play out as an allegory of something, though we struggle to understand what that is. I suspect that we represent something to make a point. That which comes through, in turn, leads to something that I believe glorifies God. And all of this is done in ways we don’t necessarily perceive. I have seen the noblest presence expressed through many people. I am sure they were not aware of that or how remarkable it was. Those glimpses were magnificent enough to give me some hope about my life. So the good news is that the lack of achieving awareness of some specific calling or direction is not something that should debilitate you. That sense may not be as important as you think. Moments of His work in and played through us are infinitely significant, no matter how few we have left in comparison to having no such moments. For those who are thirsty, I have the suspicion that your life is, and will become even more so, meaningful and is being fulfilled . . . whether you realize it or not!
“Magnificent Mansions” - is available here on Amazon
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